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Critical Perspective on Green Economy


Critical Perspective on Green Economy:  This course is designed to explore Green Economy (GE) from a critical perspective. The course is structured as short classes thoughtfully put together drawing insights from a wide-ranging field, as well as synthesizing some of the complicated information for easy grasp without being a technical expert.  

Course Design

Critical Perspective on Green Economy:  This course is designed to explore the various aspects of the Green Economy (GE) from a critical perspective. The assumption is that the current model of the green economy, the way it is branded, marketed etc may not really change much for the planetary crisis we are in, or for the excluded majority, of ordinary people. The course is structured as short classes thoughtfully put together drawing insights from a wide-ranging field, as well as synthesizing some of the complicated information for easy grasp without being a technical expert. It attempts to thereby break the barriers to knowledge access and control by specialists, which aims to make the large majority of people to simply be subservient to data and techno-speak.

The first set of five classes are set the tone for understanding the general overview of how the GE is being interpreted, while the latter advanced course explores what is required to get out of the mess generated by over dependence on the specialist agenda of life. Changing the mind-set is a very important first step, even before grappling with the solutions part and the first set of classes aim to achieve that.

While the solutions many not happen overnight, nor bridge the gap between the obscene opulence and the abject poverty in our life time, changing collective and individual consciousness around healing a fractured world to a restorative state of respite is worth pursuing and is do-able through a pair of new lens, it is time for a perspective change.

Duration: 2 hours per Class

Medium: English & Online

Pre-requisite: Read the Blog on GE Perspective by Ms. Nirmala Nair, the main course designer and faculty. 


Package 1 – individual Class subscription  

Package 2 – attend the complete School of Practical Sustainability of5 classes  

Package 3 – attend the complete School of 5 Classes + Optional for - Mentorship / Consulting  

Retreat – A weeklong Retreat with Nirmala Nair in India to reflect on the Classes and more  



Programme Schedule

Class #1: Current Linear Economy

Class #2: Devil in the Detail

Class #3: Design Beyond Obsolescence - Re-Imagine Design  

Class#4: Politics of Extractivism - Supply-side restrictions

Class #5: Critical look at De-Carbonisation



The Advanced GE Perspective School (optional after completion of the first 4 Classes) will consist of the following six Classes -

Class #6: Paradigm of Progress, modernity and decoloniality

Class #7: Beyond global. Embracing the local

Class #8: Knowledge diffusion as a strategy

Class #9: Boundaries- confluence, collapse, and re-emergence

Class #10: LOCAL is the new Dawn

Class #11: Greater good- Inclusive wellbeing

Resource Persons

Founder, School of Practical Sustainability, Cape Town
Director Samanvaya, Chennai